
Chapter Plays were popular until the 1950s. Superman, Batman, Captain Marvel were among the most popular stars and prominently shown on the movie posters.

Star Wars Trilogy (Krieg der Sterne Trilogy)
Original german movie poster for the 1997 re-release of the first three STAR WARS movies. With Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, directed by George Lucas.
30,00 EUR
Star Wars Trilogy (Krieg der Sterne Trilogy)
Original german double-panel movie poster for the 1997 re-release of the first three STAR WARS movies. With Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, directed by Ge […]
45,00 EUR
The Phantom Empire (The Phantom Empire)
Original release US Onesheet movie poster for the Science Fiction Western Serial. I have seen two different versions of this poster: One was used for […]
2.200,00 EUR
Superman (Im Netz der schwarzen Spinne / Tod der schwarzen Spinne)
Original release german movie program for the classic Kirk Alyn serial.
50,00 EUR
Zombies of the Stratosphere (Zombies of the Stratosphere)
Original release US serial lobby card. Rocket-Man fighting the Iron Executioner, what a wonderful-weird scene! Card is in great condition, too. With J […]
200,00 EUR
Captain America (Captain America)
Original release US lobby card for Chapter 3 of the serial classic. A great scene, easily the best card for the entire serial, and ultra-rare. With Di […]
500,00 EUR
Atom Man vs. Superman (Atom Man vs. Superman)
Original release Chapter 1 lobby card for the serial classic. The best card for the entire serial. With Kirk Alyn as Superman, directed by Spencer Gor […]
350,00 EUR
Hawk of the Wilderness (Tarzan auf der Schatzinsel)
Original german movie poster from first release 1962. With Bruce Bennett, Mala, Monte Blue, directed by John English, William Witney.
20,00 EUR
Lune de Miel - Honeymoon (Honeymoon)
Original release, undersized US Onesheet movie poster. With Nathalie Baye, John Shea, Richard Berry, directed by Patrick Jamain.
45,00 EUR
Star Wars (Krieg der Sterne)
Complete set of 24 german lobby cards. Please note that this set consists of cards from two different printings. With Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, dire […]
150,00 EUR
Star Trek III The Search for Spock (Auf der Suche nach Mister Spock)
Original release US Subway movie poster. With William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, directed by Leonard Nimoy.
75,00 EUR
1 to 13 (from a total of 13)